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Usage with Docusaurus


react-py is not Server-Side Rendering (SSR) friendly, due to client only APIs such as web workers. To use this package with Docusaurus, ensure it is loaded on the client side only.

Adding the PythonProvider

Wrap your site with the <Root> component Then wrap your site with the PythonProvider component:

import React from 'react'
import { PythonProvider } from 'react-py'

export default function Root({ children }) {
return <PythonProvider>{children}</PythonProvider>

Overriding the CodeBlock component

You can override the default CodeBlock by swizzling the component, more about swizzling.

For a full example, check out an example of a Docusaurus site using react-py at, specifically src/theme/CodeBlock and src/components/CodeEditor.

Docusaurus config

We've encountered a Webpack issue when bundling a Docusaurus site with this package. The following plugin can be added to docusaurus.config.js to resolve this issue:

plugins: [
async function disableUsedExports() {
return {
name: 'disable-used-exports',
configureWebpack() {
return {
optimization: {
usedExports: false

Read more about this issue here.

Python Docusaurus Template

Get started with react-py and Docusaurus, you can use the Python Docusaurus Template. Click the green "Use this template" button on the repository page to clone, then follow the Docusaurus configuration steps for your specific site.